Friday, September 02, 2005

Letter 20 Aug 05

Laura asked me to post this for her.

Dear Maryanna,
I'm writing this letter under close observation of a Burkinabe woman/tennager with a child strapped to her back. She's more fascinated by my color than anything I think. She's from an adjacent courtyard but she seems friendly enough. It's a typical event now-a-days. My little personal activities are avidly watched by anyone who happens to be nearby, which usually means 10 - 12 people. You know how in Japan they'd look and stare, here they stop everything, farming, washing, walking, etc...just to watch what you're doing. It's kinda weird, but you tend to tune them out eventually.
Everyone here is curious, but also incredibly polite and friendly in a genuine way. The pace is molasses in January, but all the children are well behaved and even the toddlers have duties around the courtyard to get things done. The crying babies don't exist for very long. How can they? They're strapped to the back of a woman working in the field, grinding grain, or cooking food. The movement keeps them moving and rocks them to sleep. I usually get up w/ the sun around 0600 and go to bed around 9 pm. The same thing everyday is different in itself compared to the lifestyle we had in the military. Everyday, I get up, wash, have tea, go greet all the adjacent neighbors in Moore and my family. After that I have about a 1/2 hour before class to write as I am doing now. I assume the fascination w/ me will wear off in a month or two. To write: in Moore is - culumia, the observant girl next to me just explained. Later, Just finished lunch and playing card with my host brother, Edrisha. he's not feeling well today, so he stayed in from the fields.
Classes are going okay. Sometimes I feel as if I'm improving and sometimes I feel I'll never fully grasp French. There are 2 girls in our group of 5 in Mako (the small village we're training at) who are well and above the comprehension level of myself and the others. Unfortunately, our teacher seems to be teaching to them and their level. So, quite often, I misinterpret what we're supposed to be doing or what a conversation was completely about. Those are the frustrating times, but I soothe myself by remembering, I've got 2 years to learn and it will come eventually.
The weather has been beautiful recently and I should enjoy it while I can. The cooler months are ahead, followed by a sweltering April-June time frame, I hear. Currently, we're in the middle of the wet season and it's raining about every other day. Which is fine, however the homes are made of brick, stone and mud and the walls seem to be crumbling. 3 walls have already fallen in my courtyard already. Just subdividers, but it makes me wonder about the homes.
My home is a small shack that is part of a bigger courtyard. It's about half the size of my living room in Japan. I don't have that many things, besides a bed, so it's not cramped at all. Most of my things are either hanging from the walls or in a metal chest provided to us. To pass the time, which there seems to be plenty of, I play cards w/ my host family or friends, write letters, write in my journals, or sketch. Things are slow but worthwhile so far. I better let you go, Take care.


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