Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Helloooo? you still there?

Well, yes, I am, but I admit it's been a while since I wrote anyone, so I won't be too upset that you haven't been checking this site as often as you used to. Anyhoo, I don't have much of an excuse or reason why i haven't been writing/blogging, but the honest one is I've been somewhat distracted and blocked. However, the distraction has ended and I felt it was finally the time to get back on the writing wagon and let you guys know what I've been up too in Burkina for the past couple months and further explain my lax attitude towards writing.

After the New year holidays and the wonderful packages that were sent to me, I felt really humbled by all the generous gifts and somewhat stupified. Sounds weird, but let me explain. After all the time I had been here, and being in the midst of my second year, seemingly prepared to do the whole thing in repeat, I couldn't see how anyone would be interested in what was going on here. It seemed to me that all the daily goings-on were the same and my complaints were too. I didn't want to write about them and still seem negative, like I did so well when I first go here. So I literally had writers block and avoided writing. Even when I had time and put a notebook and pen in front of me, I had no idea where to start, soooooo, I didn't. To add briefly, I also was in the midst of a relationship that unfortunately ended. But now, I feel it necessary to answer a few questions that were posed to me by my family. Such as; what's going on in the bureau? What the hell happened with your house? When the hell are you coming home? What the hell are you gonna do when you get back and when are you coming to visit/? ;-)And many more that i haven't mentioned, please put something in the comments if there's something specific you'd like to more info on, or you can just tell me to shut up, which I'll respond "go back to your porn site" in a very tactful manner. :-)~


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