Hey, guys
Recuperating from the latest bout of GI, and things are coming out okay, ;-) Thanks so much for the latest bout of mail, I just opened today. I really do like hearing about the latest minutia of people's lives, so please don't think that your details are ridiculous. When I ask people on the phone, what they think of the blogger, it's been really positive, but i keep thinking, do they really think my little meandering are that interesting? I'll keep meandering and I hope you do too in your letters. It makes me feel more connected to you guys. 2 years from now I'll be able to reference the same mistakes and frustations that color your life as the experiences here color mine. And it won't seem like I have to get to know people all over again. Anyhoo...
Everyone who came to Ouaga for the holiday, got to see all my awesome packages and were amazed. Many people were like, "Man, you ARE loved," or "You get the coolest shit". I do like to share with my co-volunteers and they appreciate you very much. Many of them honestly don't get that much mail and when I offered them some chocolate, it's literally liking watching a kid open a present at Xmas. They ooo and ahhh, and savor every bite. I don't share everything, like the meat or some really delicatable treats, but sharing packages here is common courtesy and everyone respects everyone's elses private reserve, and here getting a package is multiplied by the sharing and the joy it bring to more people. Thank you Thank you Thank you.
The first T.Y. is from me, the second from the other volunteers, and the last if from my stomach. :-)
Now, for suggesting for future packages, if you're so inclined to send more, I don't recommend sending any charity items you want me to give to people here, like clothes toys, etc. Part of the hard part of my job is convincing people that I don't have money and I'm not here to give you things. I'm here to help you help yourself, by training, developing, and discussing new means of working or learning that are self sustaining. For example, I train a healt agent on the subject of AIDS, the goal is for him to train his village, no money is involved, just good will. Also, if I start giving out to people certain things then I'll be known as Nasara(whitey)with clothes, toys, etc. for everyone in the village and I wouldn't be able to get rid of people asking for things more so than they do now. I'm already known as the Nasara of Chewing Gum and I won't make that mistake again.
The stuff I do have already, I will use as incentives for classes and student when I have projects with them and believe me, these gifts are incredible incentives for the kids here, so thank you in advance, but please don't send anymore.
The above paragraphs seems a bit hypocritical, one stating the joys of sharing and they other disapproving. But, with the volunteers, there's true respect with the exchange, but in the village, once one person gets something, everyone feels as if they deserve some too and even more so than the person in front of them. Honestly, some of the people can be pretty mean, just because you said, "No", but they know you gave someone else something. It's a little hard to explain it more, without really experiencing it day_in_day out the constant harranging for things. I have to say, I've lost a lot of compassion some of the people here because of it.
Sorry about that downer of a topic, but the positive side of it is I want to thank everyone who's ever sent a letter, package, etc. Being here can be frustrating, but honestly, knowing I have such a great group of people who make up my life back in the States and are people I can rely on, make being here, okay. I can handle things much easier knowing I have got such a great support network at home. You guys are the best moral boost around.
That being said, thank you to the Jen and Frank, Tom and Miriam, Grant and Fara, Hedlunds, Mom and Dad, Jayne and Steve for the great great packages. Very excited to take the goodies home to To.
Kurt, Ashley, Mom, the Fangs, and Amy Jolin, I recieved your letters, thank you for the insite into your lives.
The items that I like the best are the canned meat products sent and the strictly protein bars. I like chocolate and chocolate stuff, but I'm not a big sugar candy fan, I'll save those for the kids, whenever they stop annoying me. Oh, the condiment packettes really rock too, like salsa, ketchup, BBQ, honey. Those are great for adding flavor to the bland food here. Oh, I don't need anymore hot chocolate mix for a while, thanks.
Gotta sign off for now, take care and hopefully hear from you soon.
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