Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Letter to Mom and Dad - October

Dear Mom & Dad,

I wanted to thank you very much for the packages you've sent so far. I've received 3 from you, one from Joe and one from Margaret. I've received 3 others from friends. All of which I'm very grateful. All the vitamins came just in time, as I was running out of my current supply. The compass, books and vitamin supplements are eagerly received. Right now, I don't have much time for reading, but I'm trying to take time for letters. The UNO cards are a hit and I've been teaching the locals and my families here how to play.

The last month with the growing correspondance with friends and family has been great, but I've missed a few phone calls and hope people will keep trying. I tried calling a few times and left a message, but I can't talk for long as you know. If you tried to call, please do so with an international calling card or get a good plan for your phone. Some of the calling cards aren't too bad. You can get them on the internet.

It seems people are really keeping track of me on the blog, which makes it cool that everyone is posting their letters that I write. I hope people keep it up. The letters have become my personal journal in a way. An outlet to say the least. I'm afraid the posting order may not be correct, but overall, folks are able to get what my days and life are like. What do you think of the blog?

Heard about the tough yields on corn and beans this year, but it seems we came out alright. Anymore word on how New Orleans shipping is getting repaired for harvests? Listening to BBC it seems that Bush is being quite an ass about not accepting aid for Katrina from the UN. Pretty ridiculous. It's an eventuality that he would show his true colors. I hope Tom Delay is found guilty too. The Republicans are seemingly tripping over themselves lately.

You guys planning on anymore trips in the next couple of years? You're more than welcome to come to Burkina. I hope my letters don't deter you. But if you are torn between here and China, I definitely recommend China.

I'm thinking about doing a trip during next year's Christmas holiday to Europe. Wanna meet me there? That'd be different. Anyhoo, thing's are going well for the moment here. My hair is growing like a weed and is starting to look like one. {Editor comment: Must have been pre-Mohawk!}

My digestion is starting to get regular, which sounds like an odd statement, but is a regular source of conversation here. Commonly, you'll hear from locals "Bon Digestion!" before a meal (instead of Bon Appetite!) and they mean it here. They really hope your digestion is good, 'cause it's often not, even for the locals. Good Times...... If that doesn't encourage you to visit, I don't know what will.

Training is coming to an end and I'll be moving permanently in a couple of weeks to my new village, called To. I'm a little nervous, but in a good way. It's another big change and I'll be unsettled again for a while. I won't feel comfortable and I'll feel frustrated. It's weird to look forward to all that, but I am. I'm really hoping that I make a home here, at least for a little while. I'm definitely looking forward to coming home and being back in the States, but I want to make a go at it here. I have a feeling, if I can survive and be happy here, nothing can faze or bother me.

I want to say, thanks again for all the packages. I'll be going to Ouaga in about a week and 1/2. When I get there I'll try to get on line and post a bit more. {Editors comment: Good to hear from you in real time, Laura!} I'll probably post my Xmas list while I'm there just because of the delays in shipping and such. If you can send me someone's name, I'll start working on a gift. Don't expect much coming from me in the form of boxes for Xmas. I might have to revert to drawing pictures for gifts:)

Hope you're doing well and I'll be keeping touch the best I can. Love, Laura


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