Letter to Grandma - Nov 13
Hey Grandma! How's it going? I hope the weather hasn't turned too cold for you. How's the new chair doing? Zipping around like crazy? Don't run any of the grandchildren over. I know there are tons running around, so be careful. I bet they just love your new contraption too. If I were you, I'd start charging a quarter for a ride. Their parents may not like it, but who cares, you've got a great new toy to play with. Enjoy!
I'm getting settled into my village. It's been a little over 3 weeks here and I'm getting to know the locals and learning the local language called Moore'. Learning that and French at the same time isn't easy, but the folks here are nice and generally patient with my poor language.
My health has been good lately and I've gained all the weight I initially lost when I got here. My weeks are filled with working at the local clinics, biking to adjacent villages to either give vaccinations or train villages on improving their health. It's not easy, but it's worthwhile.
There's 2 seasons here. The Dry and the Wet season. That's it. It rains for about 3 months and for the other 9 months, no rain. It's kinda weird to think it's not going to rain for another 7 months but that's how it is. Hopefully, water won't get too scarce. It shouldn't be a problem, I think. No one here seems concerned.
Sometimes I kinda like how I know there's going to be a sunny day ahead, gives me less reason to complain. Miss you a bunch, Take care
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