Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Jan 1 2007

Dear Kurt and Deb,
Hope you guys had and excellent new years and xmass. Both of mine were notable so I can’t be disappointed. Thank you for the truly excellent package that arrived right before xmass. I got it on or about the 17th of December, shortly there after I left for Ghana to spend xmass and didn’t write until now. The trail mix is awesome. That particular type I like a lot. I took one bag down to Ghana with me to have as snacks for everyone during our 30 hour bus ride down from Ouagadougou to Accra, Ghana, on the coast. Ugh, is all I ca say for the bus ride, but you’re excellent gift was much appreciated by all. I kept the other bag for village and slowly making a dent in it.
I made it back to village for the New Years, and unfortunately had to experience the bus ride again, way too soon. It was really a neat experience to go to Ghana, be a tourist, pamper myself a little, and return home. The difference between the two bordering countries are too numerous to count, but Ghana is head and shoulders above Burkina in development. Let’s just say almost all of Ghana villages have electricity whereas almost none of Burkina villages do. It starts there, and the differences just continue.
We conjectured quite a list why the differences were so vast. We supposed Ghana’s coastline and Anglophone aspects had to do with it a bit.
It was a nice vacation from Burkina. Gave me a better impression of Africa. Seeing the tropically lined coastline helped me envision something else besides the dust bowl I’m currently living in.
This last week was particularly bad. The haze from the dust has cut visibility down to about half a mile and my sinuses can’t help but get clogged from all the dust in the air, on everything continuously moving, everything. I try to keep my food covered the best I can, but can’t keep it dust free.
The temperature has also been surprisingly chilly. I think it’s mostly my adjusted habitation here, but for the past week, I haven’t been able to go outside in the morning or evening with out a coat on. Sounds trivial, yeah, I know, but I’ve never had to do that since I arrived in 2005. Anywhoo, I know I must enjoy this little bit of shivering for as long as I can, cause when April comes I’ll be looking back on these chills fondly. Also because of the cool temperatures, I’ve been wearing the same clothes for the past 4 days. Here, since you are not sweating, you’re clothes are still fresh enough to wear again. Don’t worry, I change undies every day still.
Enough about me, how are you doing? How’s your not so little girl now a days? Hope work is going well. I’m sure Sophia is growing by leaps and bounds. Thinking about a visit in June again, but that’s all it is at the moment, A thought. Hope to see you all again regardless. Take care, hope to hear from you again soon.


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