Friday, January 26, 2007


Hey folks, just got into ouaga after over a month being restricted from working here. It's not personal, it's a PC Burkina wide-thing. So, I hear I have 7 packages waiting for me at the post. Usually the bureau picks them up everyweek, but for some reason, they've haven't for the past 3 weeks, and my packages are still there, along with probably hundreds of other PCV's. There's a bunch of anxious PCV's here wanting their packages, hopefully we'll get them today. I'll keep you posted. I did get a package from Dave, Elena, and Alex that kicked. The pics of you guys were really nice. I assume it arrived about 4 weeks ago, before the latest stall, and I'm very excited about getting acquainted with Jim Beam. ;-) I'm not an alcoholic, although I play one in Burkina. In all honesty, I'm a lightwieght, But I do enjoy my whisky. :-))))
I'll let you all know who's packages arrived. I'm so anxious, it really will be Xmas for me! (little jiggy step, and clap)
I just sent out another batch of about 12 letters with a PCV who went home for vaca, so that group should be arriving their intended destanation in the next week or two. Hopefully, the previous batch arrived in good order also. I also got nice Xmas letters from Lee and Steph, Ed and Amy, Adi and Rod, and Ashley. They were great and fun to read. Thanks so much for the time you put in. love you guys, and hopefully will talk or hear from you soon.
I'll post more later.