Friday, July 27, 2007

Hello to you

Hey guys, guess what. I asked to cut short my stay here and leave the Aug 31st and I got it!!!! Yippee skippy! That's right I'm boarding a plan in about 33 days to get back to the land of all you can eat. I was shocked when I found out, really, because our beloved country director is not known to allow people to go home early for any reason. Well, I guess my reason was good enough(i.e. All my health extension activities will be done by the 15tg Aug and I won't be doing anything in village). I'm pretty psyched. I was on cloud nine for the next two days and I'm doing my best to get everything done extra early so I can say goodbye properly to all my friends here both volunteers and villagers.
Needless to say, now that it's coming down to the wire, I'm beginning to look around my lush looking village as the rainy season comes into full bloom and I wonder how much I'll miss the things that I take for granted.
I've already started cleaning out my house and figuring who should get what and what I don't want to give to villagers and instead to other volunteers, which is a lot, but I'll explain why next. However, During my "spring cleaning" I found some letters I forgot or decided not to send because of their level of bitchi-ness. Some of them were from a really difficult point in my stay here and it's interesting to see how my perspective has changed since then. Maybe I'll post them just so you can see the difference too. A couple I won't because, their more intended for a journal, so I'll tuck them in there.
The reason I'm planning to NOT give alot of things to the villagers of my town is because of the same reason I don't give toys to the kids here. They'll expect it of the next volunteer or whitey who comes through. I already had people coming up to me the first month I was here, saying "when you leave, give me this, ...or that..., because so-and-so gave us stuff". I don't like the expectation that I'll automatically give people things that I don't care for. It kinda goes against my whole work ethic here and it rubs me the wrong way. Also there has been some stories from fellow volunteers who had a really good village experience up until they left and started giving things away. People got greedy and ugly and started fights during the goodbyes and it ruined those volunteers final days and impression of their village. So, I'm hoping to avoid that too.
I'm supposed to throw my own going away party, meaning I pay for all the food and drinks to whom ever arrives, which could be a lot of people. Since I'm the Nasara, a lot people will come expecting to get sodas and meat, but I honestly don't have the money to spend on them. So, my party, if I have one, will be small and hopefully only with people I want to be there. It probably won't work out the way I plan and if it gets too painful, I'll just say, screw it, and not even have it. Right now, it depends on the day and my mood on if I'm having this party or not. Supposedly it's a neccessary thing to do, culturally, before I go, but it's so against how I would like to say goodbye, I'm having a internal battle with it. Anyhoo, that's boring to talk about, but it's something that I'm dealing with at the moment so there ya go. ;-)
That's all for now, hope this finds you well!


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