Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Mali trip

Hey kids, just got back from a 3 day hike in the Dogon country in Mali and it was great! The weather was perfect(cloudy and rainy) so that it was cool to hike around all day. First day we hiked up to the top of the Dogon plateau's and then we stayed overnight in a village on top and the second day we hiked down and staying a village further down the region's river and the third day we hiked out over sand dunes. Pretty cool trip overall with some great friends,(Nathalie and Tracy) to experience it with. Really glad I made the time to do it, I almost didn't go. So, now I just got back to Ouaga after traveling all the way back from the dunes in one day(13hrs of constant travel-hiking, fourwheeling ride back to civ., then bush taxi to Burkina and Autobus to Ouaga, whew!) I'm really tired, but here's some pics of the journey.

Pic of the Dogon plateau
Pic of the Dogon homes(lower huts) and Tellum voodoo shacks(tiny upper holes in walls)
Me looking all adventurous and crap
Nathalie and me, posing as we scramble down a crevasse

My travel pals, Tracy and Nathalie, they were a laugh riot nearly every minute.


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