Here's a few photos from Burkina!
Laura, please add some comments for us!
Looking good!; This was my third week in country, my host "brother" took this photo, I'm in front of my house.

Laura Cooking:: aaahhh, no, I wasn't cooking I was grinding millet for a pasty concoction that the family eats everynite, called To, like my village's name, it's been a running joke. All those folks are part of my host family. From left to right is Aminata, Habib, Abdul, Isa-lisa, me, Me-nata, and Apul

Laura working: Haaa! I totally posed for this. My family thought it was really funny to see a Nasara(white person) do manual labor, the moment the photo was taken, they took back the hoe and told me to take a break. Little do they know... In the photo are me, my host mothers, Habib, Ata, and my host dad, Salam.

Friends from Burkina: This group is also part of my host family in Burkina, there's about 24 of us in the same courtyard

Courtyard: my home for 3 months

Volunteers: These chics are great! L to R: Colleen, Ann, Kim and me.

Self-portrait: Yep that's me, sans hair, for all the folks who were curious :)

omg, you are dead meat
i'm not playing, you better grow it back
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