Letter to Mom&Dad - Mar 31, 06
This morning I was woken by my cat. He was mewling about food and wanting to go inside. I've found that I'm not a cat person, so I promptly grabbed his tail and threw him across the courtyard where he bounced off the tree and landed on his feet. That's one way to turn off your alarm in the morning :) Yep, I'm cruel to cats, but I think he's gotten used to my aggrevations he causes. He's learned to stay away from me when I eat and he knows to come running when I snap my fingers (I usually have food of some sort.) He's starting to eat more buts and I'd wish he'd graduate to lizards and mice, but he's not quite there yet.
I don't get annoyed by the dog that frequents my house for some reason. He's more my buddy, whereas the cat, I feel no such affection. Ah well, at least I'm getting used to the cat and don't want to seriously kill it anymore. Boy, that doesn't sound very Peacecorps of me, but somethings just develop that way when you're stuck with a cat. Anyway, he's getting used to the throws and sometimes sticks to the tree like velcro and then comes back for more, mewling all the way. I may grow to like him for his tenacity and stupidity.
Recently, I discovered a source of my acne problems here. Ever since I arrived, I have had some serious acne that I can't seem to prevent or get rid of. The locals all think the pimples are sores caused by too much sun to my weak white skin. I don't care to correct them, so I stay quiet. Anyhoo, someone suggested to stop using soap when I wash my face. I fugured, why not, nothing to lose. Guess what, it worked! There's no chemicals or hard minerals in the water to make it drinkable or to dry out my skin after washing. So nature takes it's course and my skin has finally begun to balance out. The solution was so obvious because so many people here have truly beautiful, acne clear skin. I wondered how it was possible. I figured foolishly it was just the difference between black and white skin, but I guess it doesn't matter. I suggest people try it at home. Probably have to use bottled water unfortunately, but it may work.
It is also mango season here and there's so many mangos to be eaten you can't go two steps without passing a large mango seed that's been dropped on the ground after the fruit's been eaten. Many of the children and adults spend their idle time climbing mango trees for a snack. The truly ripe and cantelope size mangos are saved for market, but still only go for 5 or 10 cents, they are so plentiful. Mangos here are truly delicious, but after so many, one still gets sickened by them. I usually have at least one or two a day. If they weren't so good, I wouldn't bother with them because there is absolutely no dainty way to eat a mango with your hands. You have to use a knife and still, washing your hands and mouth afterwards is a must. I'll miss them of course when they are gone.
Well, that's a good enough ramble for now. Miss you and talk to you soon.
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