Monday, May 29, 2006

sorry so late getting this posted

Hey guys, how's it going? Sorry its taken so long to put a letter in the main to you guys, bu time has a way ofetting away from us. Things are going pretty well here at the moment. My Bike-a-thon is next week and I'm hoping everything goes as planned. If it doesn't, I'll just hide in my house a bit and have a few drinks. How are all the kids doing in school. I'm glad to hear Cameron is active at school. Tell him I thought the art club at school was stupid too.

Anyhoo, I bet all the kids are growing like weeds and its difficult to get clothes that fit. Well, I was walking through my village market the other day, it got me to thinking, This is where all the clothes drives back in the states end up. Here in one of the thousands of markets throughout africa. They get shipped here by some charitable organization and then what? I'm not sure exactly but these clothes aren't handed out for free. There sold like anything else in the market. In the exact condition you gave them away. The unwashed old t-shirt with donald duck on it, the unworn fuscha tank top, the basketball mom sweatshirt all arrive and are displayed in one big pile like ones made as if emptied from a trash bag.

People finger through them and judge the size, color, and wearability as you would in the states, but the basketball-mom shirt will be worn by any man and all the old white collared T's will be used as a 2nd layer of underwear for a woman. Style is completely unawares here. Its rather entertaining to see a male village elder walk around in a fur-necked coat meant for a woman in the states. Little moments like that keep me smiling.

Like today, at the mayors office, his clock was chiming for the 8 o clock hour and it rang out the tune "0 Suzanna". I giggled at that one, and then proceeded with our meeting. A dixieland song on an african day, a little weird. But Remeniscient of the time in December past, where it was blazing hot at a bus station and on a radio was "God rest ye merry gentleman", following "White Christmas" in orchestra. Odd moments seem to follow me like that I think.

I'll wrap this one up. I hope you all are doing well and are healthy. Looking foreward to seeing you all in June. Miss you a bunch. Take Care



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