June 1st, Letter to Joe and Kerry
Here's a letter I wrot to Kerry and Joe, but have been unable to send, and thus decided to go ahead and post it myself.
Hey guys how's it going? I find myself on the cusp of heading home for vacation, but I still have the need to write of my on going experiences so I don't lose them to my own memory.
I haven't written much lately thinking I can save it for later in the states but my thought are piling up and the relavent feelings are beginning to diminish.
My imperative for writing again is the revelation of turning a emotional and mental corner while here in Africa. The trials I've dealt with that gave me mental and emotional stress have been put in bette perspective, at least for the time being.
There was a period of about 3 or 4 weeks following my bike-a-thon in April where my workload was close to nothing and my motivation had become stanant, I began the evil thoughts of coming home. I knew I could stick it out, but for what reson had become unclear.
I decided to visit some fellow volunteers that are most adjacent to me on the 18th of May. I hopped transport for the 150 or so kilometers trek(110 miles~). I spent the weekend visiting Kelly, Elizabeth, Amanda, and Joelle. Ther are all w/in 30 km(20 miles~) of each other and are able to visit each other at least twice a week. This was my first visit to thei region of Koudougou, which is also my region capital.
We stayed at a Catholic Mission(w/real nuns and everything) and it felt so great to vist w/them. The mission made feel as if I was at a day camp in the states. It was surrounded by densely forrested woods and no braying donkeys in earshot. It was incredibly peaceful and serene.
The environment eased our minds as we filled the weekend with each others company and constant font of conversation.
My personal duress was mirrored in both Kelly and Joelle, as they both complained of lack of work. Amanda's motivation was also in question, whereas problems with the bureau was constant in all. Our discussion gave me new ideas and motivation. Elizabeth lasting impression on me was to focus on the good things close to you and not desire the things too foar wasy to enjoy. That thought helped me look at my own village in a brighter light.
The corner i've turned has helped me see this village as my home a little bit more and helps realize the futility of wishing for things I can't have. Wishing for things in the states has kept me from injoying the good things here, I believe.
I hope I can continue to find the good conversations here and motivation that has derived from them.
By the way I have a new project that deals w/a fantastic tree that's called Moringa. It's amazing, with all it's qualitities. I'll write another letter about it later. There's too much to put in one letter for now.
Well, that's enough for now. HOpe you all are well. Can't wait to see you all In Wisconsin. Take care.
I've got one or two more letters to post. I'll post them hopefully before leaving;
take car.
Sorry this last one was quite cheesy. :-)
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